Whale-watching is set to be one of the biggest attractions on Australia's Frasier Island this August.

While the Australian region of Queensland may be more famous for its pure-bred dingoes, each August a giant of the seas steals the limelight for nature-loving visitors.
Hervey Bay's famous humpback whales are spotted off the coastline at this time each year, and Brits hoping to see these amazing creatures are encouraged to book flights to Australia.
An estimated 4,000 whales visit the region from August 1st to the end of October each year to wallow in the warm waters of the coast of Fraser Island.
For more information visit here

While the Australian region of Queensland may be more famous for its pure-bred dingoes, each August a giant of the seas steals the limelight for nature-loving visitors.
Hervey Bay's famous humpback whales are spotted off the coastline at this time each year, and Brits hoping to see these amazing creatures are encouraged to book flights to Australia.
An estimated 4,000 whales visit the region from August 1st to the end of October each year to wallow in the warm waters of the coast of Fraser Island.
For more information visit here
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